My Mission My Purpose:
Have you ever wondered what God has called you to do for His Kingdom? Do you know that God has a wonderful plan and purpose for you? Isaiah 43:7 says that God created man for His own purpose to bring Himself glory. God loves you so much that He created you in His image!
Every man, woman, boy and girl has a unique and individual purpose for their life. That purpose begins with total surrender Lord, He not only places His desires in our hearts, but He gives us a passion for His purpose!
As a child of God we have everything that we need to fulfill our purpose and our mission. He’s given us His Word, His Blood, His Name, His Angels and His Holy Spirit! We must stay focused on eternity and not allow anything to distract us from our assigned and chosen course.
Learn how to find and fulfill your individual purpose in this 6 part series from Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne titled “My Mission - My Purpose”.
- Why Were We Created
- Why Are We Here Pt. 1
- Why Are We Here Pt. 2
- Finding Your Individual Purpose Pt. 1
- Finding Your Individual Purpose Pt. 2
- Fulfilling My Mission
My Crowns:
There is more to being a Christian than praying the prayer of salvation and merely ensuring your place in heaven—one day you will stand before the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ and all of your works will be tried by fire. How will your use of your time, your talents, your abilities, your gifts, your money, and everything else God has given you, measure up on that day? Those works with eternal purpose will remain through the fire, resulting in eternal crowns and rewards; the remainder will be burned up as wood, hay and stubble, resulting in great loss (1 Corinthians 3:12-15).
Salvation is a gift received by faith, but the Bible tells us there are different crowns we can earn based on how we run our race, the motives of our heart and the choices we make. In order to win you have to persist; you have to fight the good fight of faith; you have to keep on running and not give up. The enemy will try to get you to throw in the towel, but if you keep running you will win!
This 5-part series encourages believers to live for eternity now, focusing on what the Bible teaches about crowns and rewards that are waiting for us when, on that day, Jesus tells us, “Well done, good and faithful servant… Enter into the joy of your Lord.”
- Why We Run the Race
- Running the Heavenly Race
- The Crown of Righteousness
- The Crown of Life
- The Crown of Glory
My Roadmap:
What Roadmap are you following?
The Word of God is our Roadmap and our Guide on the path of life. It is firmly established and will never move or change. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Mark 13:31 NKJV
Many believers, because the Word has not prevailed over them, live in defeat in every area of their life. If you hate your brother, you are living in darkness and the Word has not prevailed in your life. You are walking as a common, unchanged man. As long as you only mentally assent to the Word, but don’t act on it, you will struggle with sickness, disease and lack. God’s Word will cause you to prosper in every area of life.
The Logos of God is a living thing, active and more cutting than any sword with a double edge, penetrating to the very division of soul and spirit, joint and marrow-scrutinizing the very thoughts and conceptions of the heart. 13 And no created thing is hidden from Him; all things lie open, exposed before the eyes of Him with whom we have to reckon. Hebrews 4:12-13 Moffat’s Translation
The Word of God working in us builds us more and more into the image of Jesus. We become more like His nature and His character, not through head knowledge, but through His Word working in us. In this five part series, Pastors Rodney and Adonica disclose valuable teachings concerning God’s Word. Discover the importance of the Word, not only in your life, but also at work within you. Expect to be saturated with an even deeper love for the Word of God.
Receive the Word into your heart and life and let it live in you, guide, direct and sustain you! Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another.
Colossians 3:16a NKJV
Pure Worship Music:
- Praise Your Name
- Global Hallelujah
- Praise Be To God
- Dancing Generation
- Undignified
- Shout
- All the Earth
- Lord of the Heaven
- Hallelujah
- Hallelujah (Cont'd)
- Holy Are You Lord
- Gallery
- Description

My Mission My Purpose:
Have you ever wondered what God has called you to do for His Kingdom? Do you know that God has a wonderful plan and purpose for you? Isaiah 43:7 says that God created man for His own purpose to bring Himself glory. God loves you so much that He created you in His image!
Every man, woman, boy and girl has a unique and individual purpose for their life. That purpose begins with total surrender Lord, He not only places His desires in our hearts, but He gives us a passion for His purpose!
As a child of God we have everything that we need to fulfill our purpose and our mission. He’s given us His Word, His Blood, His Name, His Angels and His Holy Spirit! We must stay focused on eternity and not allow anything to distract us from our assigned and chosen course.
Learn how to find and fulfill your individual purpose in this 6 part series from Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne titled “My Mission - My Purpose”.
- Why Were We Created
- Why Are We Here Pt. 1
- Why Are We Here Pt. 2
- Finding Your Individual Purpose Pt. 1
- Finding Your Individual Purpose Pt. 2
- Fulfilling My Mission
My Crowns:
There is more to being a Christian than praying the prayer of salvation and merely ensuring your place in heaven—one day you will stand before the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ and all of your works will be tried by fire. How will your use of your time, your talents, your abilities, your gifts, your money, and everything else God has given you, measure up on that day? Those works with eternal purpose will remain through the fire, resulting in eternal crowns and rewards; the remainder will be burned up as wood, hay and stubble, resulting in great loss (1 Corinthians 3:12-15).
Salvation is a gift received by faith, but the Bible tells us there are different crowns we can earn based on how we run our race, the motives of our heart and the choices we make. In order to win you have to persist; you have to fight the good fight of faith; you have to keep on running and not give up. The enemy will try to get you to throw in the towel, but if you keep running you will win!
This 5-part series encourages believers to live for eternity now, focusing on what the Bible teaches about crowns and rewards that are waiting for us when, on that day, Jesus tells us, “Well done, good and faithful servant… Enter into the joy of your Lord.”
- Why We Run the Race
- Running the Heavenly Race
- The Crown of Righteousness
- The Crown of Life
- The Crown of Glory
My Roadmap:
What Roadmap are you following?
The Word of God is our Roadmap and our Guide on the path of life. It is firmly established and will never move or change. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Mark 13:31 NKJV
Many believers, because the Word has not prevailed over them, live in defeat in every area of their life. If you hate your brother, you are living in darkness and the Word has not prevailed in your life. You are walking as a common, unchanged man. As long as you only mentally assent to the Word, but don’t act on it, you will struggle with sickness, disease and lack. God’s Word will cause you to prosper in every area of life.
The Logos of God is a living thing, active and more cutting than any sword with a double edge, penetrating to the very division of soul and spirit, joint and marrow-scrutinizing the very thoughts and conceptions of the heart. 13 And no created thing is hidden from Him; all things lie open, exposed before the eyes of Him with whom we have to reckon. Hebrews 4:12-13 Moffat’s Translation
The Word of God working in us builds us more and more into the image of Jesus. We become more like His nature and His character, not through head knowledge, but through His Word working in us. In this five part series, Pastors Rodney and Adonica disclose valuable teachings concerning God’s Word. Discover the importance of the Word, not only in your life, but also at work within you. Expect to be saturated with an even deeper love for the Word of God.
Receive the Word into your heart and life and let it live in you, guide, direct and sustain you! Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another.
Colossians 3:16a NKJV
Pure Worship Music:
- Praise Your Name
- Global Hallelujah
- Praise Be To God
- Dancing Generation
- Undignified
- Shout
- All the Earth
- Lord of the Heaven
- Hallelujah
- Hallelujah (Cont'd)
- Holy Are You Lord