My Heart:
Someone once said that the heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart!
Proverbs 4:23 admonishes us to guard our heart diligently, for out of it flow the issues—or forces—of life. Jesus also had many things to say about the heart. In Matthew 12:35 He says, “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.” In Matthew 15:18 He said it is not outward things, but rather the things that come out of the mouth, from the heart, that defile the man.
People tend to give more credence to outward things, the things they can see, but they forget that it is the unseen things, the attitude of the heart, that matters most. It is the attitude of your heart which determines the direction of your life. All your thoughts, attitudes, and decisions come from within and determine your choices and ultimately your destiny.
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne get to the heart of the matter in this dynamic 8-message series on “My Heart” preached at The River at Tampa Bay.
- The Repentant Heart
- The Humble Heart Pt. 1
- The Humble Heart Pt. 2
- A Heart Right with God - Dealing with Guilt Pt. 1
- A Heart Right with God - Dealing with Guilt Pt. 2
- The Hungry Heart
- How to Protect Your Heart
- Hearts on Fire
- The Candle of the Lord
- Matters of the Heart Pt. 1
- Matters of the Heart Pt. 2
My Family:
For the believer there are two kinds of family: The NATURAL family, which is the one you are physically born into, and the SPIRITUAL family, which is the one you are “born again” into. We all had our physical beginning with the union of a male and female, coming together in intimacy and producing life. That was and still is God’s plan. It is also God’s plan for every person to have a New Birth. When a sinner comes to Jesus and acknowledges the Cross, the blood of Jesus and his/her need for redemption, the Holy Spirit causes the seed of the Word of God to produce a new “SPIRITUAL” birth. Through this New Birth, he/she becomes a son or daughter of God!
Once we are born again into the family of God, we are to set our mind on eternal things and seek heavenly treasure above. The Bible instructs us to put off the old man and put on the new. This means that we must conduct and behave ourselves according to the rules of our new family – according to the Father’s standards and His Word. We must be willing to forgive one another, when we are wronged; we must love one another; we must let God’s peace rule our hearts; we must be thankful; husbands are to love their wives; wives are to respect their husbands. We must let the Word of God be the foundation for our lives.
In this 3-part series, you will learn the importance of submitting to the Father’s authority, and what it means to have a covenant relationship with Him and with one another.
- The Whole Family - In Heaven & In Earth
- Living in the Family of God
- As For Me & My House
Becoming One Flesh:
According to the Word of God, marriage is the covenant relationship between a man and woman "becoming one flesh." If you are careful to follow His instructions, no matter what storms of life come or what winds of adversity blow your way, you can always confidently trust that the Lord will bring you through to the other side.
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:18-24 AMP
In this series, Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne share important and insightful truths from the Word of God and from their personal experiences on the subject of marriage. In this candid and often humorous look at the marriage relationship, they illustrate how a man and woman "become one flesh" in the bonds of holy matrimony.
From communication prior to marriage, to coping with common causes of marital discord, Drs. Rodney and Adonica offer practical advice in the application of God's Word for building and nurturing a strong, godly marriage. Whether you are married or single, this series provides a fresh look at the beauty of a covenant relationship between a man and a woman before God.
Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne
- Communication
- The Marriage Relationship
- Building A Strong Marriage
- Principles For A Successful Marriage
The Anointing (Mini Ebook):
The call of God is a holy call. It is something beyond the ordinary. It is something that you will never get away from. It will be something that will burn in your life and literally consume you.
I pray that as you read this book that there is a stirring in your heart concerning the anointing and that God will you use in a special way.
Revival Down Under Music:
- Everybody Praise The Lord - Holy Holy Holy
- We're Gonna Worship The King
- Calling Jesus - I Feel The Rain
- I Walk By Faith
- A River Will Flow
- People Just Like Us
- Can't Stop Praising - I Will Praise The Lord
- He Is Lord
- Shout To The Lord
- The Cloud Of Glory
- Sermon
- Jesus Celebration - People Just Like Us
- The Love Of God
- The Alter Call - Coming Home - I Have Decided
- The Great Southland
- Gallery
- Description

My Heart:
Someone once said that the heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart!
Proverbs 4:23 admonishes us to guard our heart diligently, for out of it flow the issues—or forces—of life. Jesus also had many things to say about the heart. In Matthew 12:35 He says, “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.” In Matthew 15:18 He said it is not outward things, but rather the things that come out of the mouth, from the heart, that defile the man.
People tend to give more credence to outward things, the things they can see, but they forget that it is the unseen things, the attitude of the heart, that matters most. It is the attitude of your heart which determines the direction of your life. All your thoughts, attitudes, and decisions come from within and determine your choices and ultimately your destiny.
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne get to the heart of the matter in this dynamic 8-message series on “My Heart” preached at The River at Tampa Bay.
- The Repentant Heart
- The Humble Heart Pt. 1
- The Humble Heart Pt. 2
- A Heart Right with God - Dealing with Guilt Pt. 1
- A Heart Right with God - Dealing with Guilt Pt. 2
- The Hungry Heart
- How to Protect Your Heart
- Hearts on Fire
- The Candle of the Lord
- Matters of the Heart Pt. 1
- Matters of the Heart Pt. 2
My Family:
For the believer there are two kinds of family: The NATURAL family, which is the one you are physically born into, and the SPIRITUAL family, which is the one you are “born again” into. We all had our physical beginning with the union of a male and female, coming together in intimacy and producing life. That was and still is God’s plan. It is also God’s plan for every person to have a New Birth. When a sinner comes to Jesus and acknowledges the Cross, the blood of Jesus and his/her need for redemption, the Holy Spirit causes the seed of the Word of God to produce a new “SPIRITUAL” birth. Through this New Birth, he/she becomes a son or daughter of God!
Once we are born again into the family of God, we are to set our mind on eternal things and seek heavenly treasure above. The Bible instructs us to put off the old man and put on the new. This means that we must conduct and behave ourselves according to the rules of our new family – according to the Father’s standards and His Word. We must be willing to forgive one another, when we are wronged; we must love one another; we must let God’s peace rule our hearts; we must be thankful; husbands are to love their wives; wives are to respect their husbands. We must let the Word of God be the foundation for our lives.
In this 3-part series, you will learn the importance of submitting to the Father’s authority, and what it means to have a covenant relationship with Him and with one another.
- The Whole Family - In Heaven & In Earth
- Living in the Family of God
- As For Me & My House
Becoming One Flesh:
According to the Word of God, marriage is the covenant relationship between a man and woman "becoming one flesh." If you are careful to follow His instructions, no matter what storms of life come or what winds of adversity blow your way, you can always confidently trust that the Lord will bring you through to the other side.
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:18-24 AMP
In this series, Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne share important and insightful truths from the Word of God and from their personal experiences on the subject of marriage. In this candid and often humorous look at the marriage relationship, they illustrate how a man and woman "become one flesh" in the bonds of holy matrimony.
From communication prior to marriage, to coping with common causes of marital discord, Drs. Rodney and Adonica offer practical advice in the application of God's Word for building and nurturing a strong, godly marriage. Whether you are married or single, this series provides a fresh look at the beauty of a covenant relationship between a man and a woman before God.
Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne
- Communication
- The Marriage Relationship
- Building A Strong Marriage
- Principles For A Successful Marriage
The Anointing (Mini Ebook):
The call of God is a holy call. It is something beyond the ordinary. It is something that you will never get away from. It will be something that will burn in your life and literally consume you.
I pray that as you read this book that there is a stirring in your heart concerning the anointing and that God will you use in a special way.
Revival Down Under Music:
- Everybody Praise The Lord - Holy Holy Holy
- We're Gonna Worship The King
- Calling Jesus - I Feel The Rain
- I Walk By Faith
- A River Will Flow
- People Just Like Us
- Can't Stop Praising - I Will Praise The Lord
- He Is Lord
- Shout To The Lord
- The Cloud Of Glory
- Sermon
- Jesus Celebration - People Just Like Us
- The Love Of God
- The Alter Call - Coming Home - I Have Decided
- The Great Southland