In this specially produced series, taken from her sessions at The River Bible Institute, Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne concentrates on the heart of man and the work God wants to do there. With clear, practical and anointed teaching, she will help you...
• Tell the difference between your heart and your flesh
• Strip away the layers and barriers that may have hidden your heart
• Allow God into every room of your heart
• Heal the hurts and remove the fears that you carry within you
You can change the things on the outside, but until you have had a change of heart, there is no change at all.
Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne
- Matters Of The Heart Pt. 1 - Pt. 14
Author: Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne
Audio Run Time: 10 Hour, 21 Minutes
Language: English
Download Information:
- Format: MP3
- File size: 641.3 MB
- Delivery Method: Immediate Download
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- Description

In this specially produced series, taken from her sessions at The River Bible Institute, Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne concentrates on the heart of man and the work God wants to do there. With clear, practical and anointed teaching, she will help you...
• Tell the difference between your heart and your flesh
• Strip away the layers and barriers that may have hidden your heart
• Allow God into every room of your heart
• Heal the hurts and remove the fears that you carry within you
You can change the things on the outside, but until you have had a change of heart, there is no change at all.
Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne
- Matters Of The Heart Pt. 1 - Pt. 14
Author: Dr. Adonica Howard-Browne
Audio Run Time: 10 Hour, 21 Minutes
Language: English
Download Information:
- Format: MP3
- File size: 641.3 MB
- Delivery Method: Immediate Download