In nature, there is something called a flash flood. It happens frequently in dry areas where there has not been rain for a long time. It may be dry, with not even a cloud in the sky, but because it is raining hard upstream–suddenly everything changes. You could be walking in a hard, dry riverbed with no trace of moisture anywhere to be found–when suddenly there is a wall of water 12 feet high in front of you that overtakes you. That is what happens many times with the blessings of God–your situation may look dry and hard and impossible, but because you have been faithful in your giving and faithful to obey God–your blessing will overtake you suddenly!
The Lord wants to lift the church into another dimension. We are in the time of the great transference of wealth. Will you serve Him in the hard times and will you serve Him when you are blessed? Can He entrust you with His blessings? Are you the one who will say; "Yes Lord, you can trust me–I will use it for your glory–I will use it for the end-time harvest of souls"? If this is you, get ready for the suddenlies of God to begin to show up in your life.
This is a personal testimony of God's goodness and His "suddenlies" in our life since our eighteen year old daughter, Kelly, went home to be with the Lord. We pray that it would be an encouragement to your faith and to your vision for the Kingdom of God.
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
- All These Blessings Pt. 1
- All These Blessings Pt. 2
- It's a Flood Pt. 1
- It's a Flood Pt. 2
- 21 Blessings
Author: Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
Audio Run Time: 4 Hour, 56 Minutes
Language: English
Download Information:
- Format: MP3
- File Size: 299.8 MB
- Delivery Method: Immediate Download
- Gallery
- Description

In nature, there is something called a flash flood. It happens frequently in dry areas where there has not been rain for a long time. It may be dry, with not even a cloud in the sky, but because it is raining hard upstream–suddenly everything changes. You could be walking in a hard, dry riverbed with no trace of moisture anywhere to be found–when suddenly there is a wall of water 12 feet high in front of you that overtakes you. That is what happens many times with the blessings of God–your situation may look dry and hard and impossible, but because you have been faithful in your giving and faithful to obey God–your blessing will overtake you suddenly!
The Lord wants to lift the church into another dimension. We are in the time of the great transference of wealth. Will you serve Him in the hard times and will you serve Him when you are blessed? Can He entrust you with His blessings? Are you the one who will say; "Yes Lord, you can trust me–I will use it for your glory–I will use it for the end-time harvest of souls"? If this is you, get ready for the suddenlies of God to begin to show up in your life.
This is a personal testimony of God's goodness and His "suddenlies" in our life since our eighteen year old daughter, Kelly, went home to be with the Lord. We pray that it would be an encouragement to your faith and to your vision for the Kingdom of God.
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
- All These Blessings Pt. 1
- All These Blessings Pt. 2
- It's a Flood Pt. 1
- It's a Flood Pt. 2
- 21 Blessings
Author: Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
Audio Run Time: 4 Hour, 56 Minutes
Language: English
Download Information:
- Format: MP3
- File Size: 299.8 MB
- Delivery Method: Immediate Download