Would you like to know the person of the Holy Spirit in a greater way–to really know Him as your best friend–to have an intimate and personal relationship with Him?
This is a powerful series that will paint the person of the Holy Spirit on the canvas of your heart and completely change your life!
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever–the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him or knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17
The Holy Spirit wants to come and live big on the inside of you! He wants you to make Him welcome on the inside of you, so that He can have His way in you and so you can be what He wants you to be and say what He wants you to say and do what He wants you to do. The Holy Spirit wants to become real to you and He wants you to acknowledge Him in all that you do!
In this series, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne shares dynamic teachings from the Word of God on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. You will hear foundational truths that will radically change your way of thinking. Hear these teachings and allow the Holy Spirit to become more real to you than ever before–that you may truly know Him as a person–as YOUR best friend!
- The Promise of the Holy Spirit
- The Coming of the Holy Spirit
- The Working of the Holy Spirit Pt. 1
- The Working of the Holy Spirit Pt. 2
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Today Pt. 1
- The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Today Pt. 2
- Tongues, the Gateway to the Supernatural Pt. 1
- Tongues, the Gateway to the Supernatural Pt. 2
- The Holy Ghost & Fire Pt. 1
- The Holy Ghost & Fire Pt. 2
- The Person of the Holy Spirit
- Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit, My Best Friend Pt. 1
- The Holy Spirit, My Best Friend Pt. 2
- What it Means to be Filled with the Spirit
- The Holy Spirit's Ministry & Works in these Last Days Pt. 1
- The Holy Spirit's Ministry & Works in these Last Days Pt. 2
- The Holy Spirit in the Life of Holiness Pt. 1
- The Holy Spirit in the Life of Holiness Pt. 2
- Things that Grieve and Hurt the Holy Spirit
- He Who Ministereth the Spirit to You
- You've Saved the Best Wine Until Last Pt. 1
- You've Saved the Best Wine Until Last Pt. 2
Author: Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
Audio Run Time: 23 Hour, 30 Minutes
Language: English
Download Information:
- Format: MP3
- File size: 1.39 GB
- Delivery Method: Immediate Download
- Gallery
- Description

Would you like to know the person of the Holy Spirit in a greater way–to really know Him as your best friend–to have an intimate and personal relationship with Him?
This is a powerful series that will paint the person of the Holy Spirit on the canvas of your heart and completely change your life!
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever–the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him or knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17
The Holy Spirit wants to come and live big on the inside of you! He wants you to make Him welcome on the inside of you, so that He can have His way in you and so you can be what He wants you to be and say what He wants you to say and do what He wants you to do. The Holy Spirit wants to become real to you and He wants you to acknowledge Him in all that you do!
In this series, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne shares dynamic teachings from the Word of God on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. You will hear foundational truths that will radically change your way of thinking. Hear these teachings and allow the Holy Spirit to become more real to you than ever before–that you may truly know Him as a person–as YOUR best friend!
- The Promise of the Holy Spirit
- The Coming of the Holy Spirit
- The Working of the Holy Spirit Pt. 1
- The Working of the Holy Spirit Pt. 2
- The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Today Pt. 1
- The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Today Pt. 2
- Tongues, the Gateway to the Supernatural Pt. 1
- Tongues, the Gateway to the Supernatural Pt. 2
- The Holy Ghost & Fire Pt. 1
- The Holy Ghost & Fire Pt. 2
- The Person of the Holy Spirit
- Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit, My Best Friend Pt. 1
- The Holy Spirit, My Best Friend Pt. 2
- What it Means to be Filled with the Spirit
- The Holy Spirit's Ministry & Works in these Last Days Pt. 1
- The Holy Spirit's Ministry & Works in these Last Days Pt. 2
- The Holy Spirit in the Life of Holiness Pt. 1
- The Holy Spirit in the Life of Holiness Pt. 2
- Things that Grieve and Hurt the Holy Spirit
- He Who Ministereth the Spirit to You
- You've Saved the Best Wine Until Last Pt. 1
- You've Saved the Best Wine Until Last Pt. 2
Author: Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
Audio Run Time: 23 Hour, 30 Minutes
Language: English
Download Information:
- Format: MP3
- File size: 1.39 GB
- Delivery Method: Immediate Download