The Double Portion:
Will you be faithful with the anointing that the Lord
places on your life?
Many times people ask for a double portion of the anointing as Elisha did, but most of them don’t know what they are asking for. There is a price that must be paid to have the anointing. If you want a double portion of the anointing, then you must pay double for it. You may ask how you can get this double portion. You must press in for it. Many distractions may come, even from friends and family, but if you will be like Elisha and not let other people distract you and deter you, God will come and meet you as He did Elisha.
The anointing is not just an occasional thing, but an everyday thing. We need the anointing every day. If we want the anointing, we must press in to receive it, retain it and walk in it. Down through the centuries there have been men and women who have pressed in. They pressed in because they were hungry and desperate for more of Jesus. There are anointings that are waiting to be released in the body of Christ-anointings that the world is waiting for. You cannot buy this anointing-you must grab it with your heart. If you will press in to God, multitudes will be touched through the anointing on your life. Nations are waiting to be shaken. Will you be faithful with the anointing that the Lord places on your life?
How to Hear the Voice of God:
The cry in the heart of God's people today is to hear His voice and to know His leading and prompting.
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne addresses this subject and deals with the following:
• Who's voice are you listening to?
• God's voice comes one step at a time
• Discerning the voice of the Lord
• Hearing God's voice for yourself
• The will of God
If you have a sincere desire to live for God, then this series will give you fresh insight into hearing and obeying His voice and finding His plan for your life.
- What Voice Are You Listening To
- The Ravens Are Coming Pt. 1
- The Ravens Are Coming Pt. 2
- Hearing God's Voice Pt. 1
- Hearing God's Voice Pt. 2
- God's Voice Comes One Step At A Time Pt. 1
- God's Voice Comes One Step At A Time Pt. 2
- Discerning the Voice of the Lord Pt. 1
- Discerning the Voice of the Lord Pt. 2
- Hearing God's Voice For Yourself
- Direction For Your Ministry Pt. 1
- Direction For Your Ministry Pt. 2
- The Will Of God Pt. 1
- The Will Of God Pt. 2
Decreeing Faith:
- The Place of the Commanded Blessing
- The Faith that Speaks
- You Shall Decide and Decree a Thing
Job 22:26-28 says that if you delight yourself in the
Almighty and pay your vows, when you pray, He will hear you, and you will also decide and decree a thing and it shall be established for you. Decree blessing over your life and walk in the blessing of God.
In this series, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne exhorts you to rise up in faith and decree and declare what the Lord has promised you.
Mark 5:34, And he said unto her, daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
We serve a God who answers from heaven. When we press in to seek Him, He will meet us and touch us. Unfortunately, even in the Church, there has been a lack of understanding about the anointing and the power of God.
In this series, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne teaches us about the tangibility of the anointing, and the importance of the transference of the anointing. He encourages us to press in and to get desperate–like the woman with the issue of blood. Because when you are desperate, nothing else is more important to you than pressing in for what God has for you!
Included are 2 Audio MP3 Sermon files for immediate download:
- The Anointing is Transferable Part 1
- The Anointing is Transferable Part 2
In Search of the Anointing:
Like Jesus, we believers are to be preaching, teaching and demonstrating. Many people are comfortable only doing the first two because the moment they move from preaching to a demonstration of the anointing and power of God, they are moving into an area where they have to trust Him totally and that makes them nervous. From time to time, though the years, I have heard people say, "All you ever do is talk about the anointing." Yet I have found that the more I teach on the anointing the more I find out how little I know. There is so much we still need to learn and know about Jesus and His anointing power. When you seek after the anointing you are seeking after Jesus - the search for the anointing for Him.
When you are desperate to find something that is precious to you, you will climb every mountain - you will lift every stone. You will do everything in your power - whatever it takes.You may travel a long, long way or spend everything you own because you must have what you are looking for! There is a price to walk in the anointing - you must count the cost.You have to make a decision: Will you yield to man's wishes or to the Spirit of God?
The Spirit of God is calling you to a deeper level and a new realm with Him. Will you make the decision today to search after the anointing and all that heaven has for you? Don't miss out on this life-changing series, you will never be the same again.
- Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
- In Search of the Anointing Pt. 1
- In Search of The Anointing Pt. 2
- The Demonstration of the Anointing
- The Price of the Anointing Pt. 1
- The Price of the Anointing Pt. 2
Pure Worship Music:
- Praise Your Name
- Global Hallelujah
- Praise Be To God
- Dancing Generation
- Undignified
- Shout
- All the Earth
- Lord of the Heaven
- Hallelujah
- Hallelujah (Cont'd)
- Holy Are You Lord
In this special series, you will experience the sweet flow of an entire service directed by the Holy Spirit. You will experience the tangible presence of God as you enter into intimate worship and as you hear and receive the anointed Word of God.
"Of all the meetings that we've had around the world, for me personally, this service is one of the top 10 best services I have ever experienced!" -Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
The presence of God has a purifying effect on all those who submit themselves to Him and yield to His presence. It's time to put aside the things of the flesh and the cares of this world, and allow the Lord to do a purging, cleansing work in our hearts so that we can know Him in a new and living way. God is separating His people from everything that defiles so that they can grow ever closer to Him. Because you are a carrier of His anointing, God requires purity. There are people, who once carried an anointing, who have been contaminated by the impurities of the flesh and the mind. They don't see the fullness of those things that have been promised to them, because they've compromised and allowed the corruption and contamination of the enemy to come in. However, God is raising up an end-time army that will not be distracted; they will march through this land; they will cast out devils and lay hands on the sick. When they speak, men and women will tremble and shake, for they will know it is the voice of God.
As you listen to Dr. Howard-Browne's compelling message on the benefits of living a pure and holy life, allow the Lord to purify your heart. As you listen, you will become more intimately acquainted with God's presence. God's presence in your life is your security; your safety. You can never go wrong if you remain in His presence. Give the Holy Spirit free rein, to purge out anything that shouldn't be in your heart and life. Then...get ready for heaven on earth!
- Gallery
- Description

The Double Portion:
Will you be faithful with the anointing that the Lord
places on your life?
Many times people ask for a double portion of the anointing as Elisha did, but most of them don’t know what they are asking for. There is a price that must be paid to have the anointing. If you want a double portion of the anointing, then you must pay double for it. You may ask how you can get this double portion. You must press in for it. Many distractions may come, even from friends and family, but if you will be like Elisha and not let other people distract you and deter you, God will come and meet you as He did Elisha.
The anointing is not just an occasional thing, but an everyday thing. We need the anointing every day. If we want the anointing, we must press in to receive it, retain it and walk in it. Down through the centuries there have been men and women who have pressed in. They pressed in because they were hungry and desperate for more of Jesus. There are anointings that are waiting to be released in the body of Christ-anointings that the world is waiting for. You cannot buy this anointing-you must grab it with your heart. If you will press in to God, multitudes will be touched through the anointing on your life. Nations are waiting to be shaken. Will you be faithful with the anointing that the Lord places on your life?
How to Hear the Voice of God:
The cry in the heart of God's people today is to hear His voice and to know His leading and prompting.
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne addresses this subject and deals with the following:
• Who's voice are you listening to?
• God's voice comes one step at a time
• Discerning the voice of the Lord
• Hearing God's voice for yourself
• The will of God
If you have a sincere desire to live for God, then this series will give you fresh insight into hearing and obeying His voice and finding His plan for your life.
- What Voice Are You Listening To
- The Ravens Are Coming Pt. 1
- The Ravens Are Coming Pt. 2
- Hearing God's Voice Pt. 1
- Hearing God's Voice Pt. 2
- God's Voice Comes One Step At A Time Pt. 1
- God's Voice Comes One Step At A Time Pt. 2
- Discerning the Voice of the Lord Pt. 1
- Discerning the Voice of the Lord Pt. 2
- Hearing God's Voice For Yourself
- Direction For Your Ministry Pt. 1
- Direction For Your Ministry Pt. 2
- The Will Of God Pt. 1
- The Will Of God Pt. 2
Decreeing Faith:
- The Place of the Commanded Blessing
- The Faith that Speaks
- You Shall Decide and Decree a Thing
Job 22:26-28 says that if you delight yourself in the
Almighty and pay your vows, when you pray, He will hear you, and you will also decide and decree a thing and it shall be established for you. Decree blessing over your life and walk in the blessing of God.
In this series, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne exhorts you to rise up in faith and decree and declare what the Lord has promised you.
Mark 5:34, And he said unto her, daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
We serve a God who answers from heaven. When we press in to seek Him, He will meet us and touch us. Unfortunately, even in the Church, there has been a lack of understanding about the anointing and the power of God.
In this series, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne teaches us about the tangibility of the anointing, and the importance of the transference of the anointing. He encourages us to press in and to get desperate–like the woman with the issue of blood. Because when you are desperate, nothing else is more important to you than pressing in for what God has for you!
Included are 2 Audio MP3 Sermon files for immediate download:
- The Anointing is Transferable Part 1
- The Anointing is Transferable Part 2
In Search of the Anointing:
Like Jesus, we believers are to be preaching, teaching and demonstrating. Many people are comfortable only doing the first two because the moment they move from preaching to a demonstration of the anointing and power of God, they are moving into an area where they have to trust Him totally and that makes them nervous. From time to time, though the years, I have heard people say, "All you ever do is talk about the anointing." Yet I have found that the more I teach on the anointing the more I find out how little I know. There is so much we still need to learn and know about Jesus and His anointing power. When you seek after the anointing you are seeking after Jesus - the search for the anointing for Him.
When you are desperate to find something that is precious to you, you will climb every mountain - you will lift every stone. You will do everything in your power - whatever it takes.You may travel a long, long way or spend everything you own because you must have what you are looking for! There is a price to walk in the anointing - you must count the cost.You have to make a decision: Will you yield to man's wishes or to the Spirit of God?
The Spirit of God is calling you to a deeper level and a new realm with Him. Will you make the decision today to search after the anointing and all that heaven has for you? Don't miss out on this life-changing series, you will never be the same again.
- Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
- In Search of the Anointing Pt. 1
- In Search of The Anointing Pt. 2
- The Demonstration of the Anointing
- The Price of the Anointing Pt. 1
- The Price of the Anointing Pt. 2
Pure Worship Music:
- Praise Your Name
- Global Hallelujah
- Praise Be To God
- Dancing Generation
- Undignified
- Shout
- All the Earth
- Lord of the Heaven
- Hallelujah
- Hallelujah (Cont'd)
- Holy Are You Lord
In this special series, you will experience the sweet flow of an entire service directed by the Holy Spirit. You will experience the tangible presence of God as you enter into intimate worship and as you hear and receive the anointed Word of God.
"Of all the meetings that we've had around the world, for me personally, this service is one of the top 10 best services I have ever experienced!" -Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
The presence of God has a purifying effect on all those who submit themselves to Him and yield to His presence. It's time to put aside the things of the flesh and the cares of this world, and allow the Lord to do a purging, cleansing work in our hearts so that we can know Him in a new and living way. God is separating His people from everything that defiles so that they can grow ever closer to Him. Because you are a carrier of His anointing, God requires purity. There are people, who once carried an anointing, who have been contaminated by the impurities of the flesh and the mind. They don't see the fullness of those things that have been promised to them, because they've compromised and allowed the corruption and contamination of the enemy to come in. However, God is raising up an end-time army that will not be distracted; they will march through this land; they will cast out devils and lay hands on the sick. When they speak, men and women will tremble and shake, for they will know it is the voice of God.
As you listen to Dr. Howard-Browne's compelling message on the benefits of living a pure and holy life, allow the Lord to purify your heart. As you listen, you will become more intimately acquainted with God's presence. God's presence in your life is your security; your safety. You can never go wrong if you remain in His presence. Give the Holy Spirit free rein, to purge out anything that shouldn't be in your heart and life. Then...get ready for heaven on earth!