The great men and women of God I am using in the earth today: I am not using them because they are something special; I am using them for one reason and one reason alone: it is because they've touched me and I have touched them."
Word of prophecy given through
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
We tend to think that those who are used by God are His favorites. Yet many people don't realize that those God uses have pressed into Him and received His touch. They have found the “secret place" of union and communion with their Heavenly Father. Anyone who desires God and His presence can press in and touch the hem of His garment.
In endeavoring to bring forth the genuine move of God and fruit that will remain, it is my desire that the reader has an understanding of the basics of the anointing and how he or she might be used of God.
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The great men and women of God I am using in the earth today: I am not using them because they are something special; I am using them for one reason and one reason alone: it is because they've touched me and I have touched them."
Word of prophecy given through
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne
We tend to think that those who are used by God are His favorites. Yet many people don't realize that those God uses have pressed into Him and received His touch. They have found the “secret place" of union and communion with their Heavenly Father. Anyone who desires God and His presence can press in and touch the hem of His garment.
In endeavoring to bring forth the genuine move of God and fruit that will remain, it is my desire that the reader has an understanding of the basics of the anointing and how he or she might be used of God.