The Bible teaches that many are called but few are chosen. When you are called by the Lord, the Holy Spirit anoints you with the joy, strength and grace to fulfill that call of God.
Are you an apostle? A prophet? A teacher? A pastor? An evangelist? It is fruitless to be distracted by titles; the title does not make the man, and not all of us are limited to one gifting; we usually have more than one gift and they are not all the same as the next person’s.
In every person, the ministry gifts are expressed through different functions and anointings. God calls us based upon our unique makeup, background, creativity, and gifts. To covet another person’s position will defeat God’s purpose for us.
We must enter into the realm of God, putting on the mind of Christ, so that we can see things from Heaven’s point of view. We must allow the fire of God to purge our hearts and change our way of thinking. It does not matter what people believe or say about you—it only matters what God says about you. Be who God wants you to be.
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The Bible teaches that many are called but few are chosen. When you are called by the Lord, the Holy Spirit anoints you with the joy, strength and grace to fulfill that call of God.
Are you an apostle? A prophet? A teacher? A pastor? An evangelist? It is fruitless to be distracted by titles; the title does not make the man, and not all of us are limited to one gifting; we usually have more than one gift and they are not all the same as the next person’s.
In every person, the ministry gifts are expressed through different functions and anointings. God calls us based upon our unique makeup, background, creativity, and gifts. To covet another person’s position will defeat God’s purpose for us.
We must enter into the realm of God, putting on the mind of Christ, so that we can see things from Heaven’s point of view. We must allow the fire of God to purge our hearts and change our way of thinking. It does not matter what people believe or say about you—it only matters what God says about you. Be who God wants you to be.